Install NodeJS
Using your browser, navigate to and install NodeJS.
Download AlloyEditor
Use the Clone or Fork buttons in our Github Repository page to get a copy of AlloyEditor.
After that, follow the instructions to clone (download) the project onto your computer.
Install AlloyEditor dependencies
Open a terminal on your computer and navigate to the AlloyEditor project you cloned locally.
For AlloyEditor 2.0 and above
yarn install # or "npm install", if you don't have Yarn
For AlloyEditor versions prior to 2.0
npm install -g gulp # or "sudo npm install -g gulp"
npm install
Build AlloyEditor
Navigate to the AlloyEditor project you cloned locally and run the commands below.
For AlloyEditor 2.0 and above
yarn build # or "npm run build" if you don't have Yarn
There are other scripts that you an use, like yarn start (npm run start) to run a live-reloading demo, or yarn test (npm test).
For AlloyEditor versions prior to 2.0
gulp build
There are other gulp tasks you can use, like release to generate a bundled zip file, or watch if you're in development mode.